May 24Liked by Anti-imperialist News

The western world seems to love and support nazis. I wish this would stop.

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Speaking of the Western world, you must include the USA. Did you see the latest?

<< A video posted on Donald Trump’s Truth Social account this week included a reference to the creation of a “unified Reich”, provoking outrage from Democrats, with the Trump campaign later deleting the post. >> << its real origin was a trollish collective of online influencers called the Dilley Meme Team...The Dilley Meme Team boasts of its ties to the Trump campaign, which has given it an unusual status among a host of accounts and loose organisations dedicated to online battles. >>

Complete article at: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c7228wlpe0ko -- and let's not forget the earlier "Blood and soil" chants from Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017: cf., https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/12/us/charlottesville-unite-the-right-rally/index.html.

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Don't be a sucker for fake mainstream news. That was one word ('Reich') that appeared very briefly in a video that the Trump campaign didn't make. They weren't 'endorsing Nazism'.


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People are often judged by their friends. True, Trump did not use the word ("Reich") himself, but this is yet one more symptom of what his followers truly are. Have you forgotten the chants of "blood and soil" in Charlottesville? The man is a megalomaniac; he suffers from paranoia; he and his ilk are innately violent: end of discussion.

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It's because you Trump-haters say such stupid and incoherent things and then say "end of discussion" that Trump is so popular with normal people

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OK: I guess no one who supports Trump ever chanted "Blood and soil," used the phrase, "unified Reich," or stormed the United States Capitol. Thank you for enlightening me (and everyone else on this thread). P.S.: << The video reposted by Donald Trump referred to a "unified Reich" if the Republican gets a second term at the White House. Trump later deleted the video from his social media account. >> Sources are READILY avaiilable. Nice friends YOU have, also! I

I wrote "end of discussion," because I have no desire to engage in polemics with someone in a MAGGOT hat. Go vote for Trump and stay away.

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You're criticising my friends and saying I wear a MAGGOT hat? I don't know what youu're talking about.

You don't seem to understand logic. The fact that racists might support Trump doesn't make Trump racist, and you're selectively applying that reasoning to Trump. Because you're obsessed with him!

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Johnson is an attention seeking lunatic with no concept of morality, he does not seem to be able to conceive anything beyond his next banquet. I give up.

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Don't underestimate the profanity and extremism of the UK ruling class who in the case of Ukraine and Gaza are all out for confrontation and war to defend Western values their wealth and power against any rival. The UK leads the stampede to war with Russia confident that its propagandised zombie public is ignorant and disinterested in their own survival. Fascism and its acolytes are historically driven to war as its survival is threatened.

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So is this Johnson trying to garner support from English fascists? I've no idea whether the charlatan is standing in the GE. Johnson, of course, scuppered a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, and here he is further endangering US (not the US of A, of course) along with fellow scum Cameron, Sunak and co. They've got their bunkers, presumably.

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Boris Johnson calling the Azov battalion "heroes" is like inviting Darth Vader to a Jedi council meeting.

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Typical hypocrisy from Johnson,Cameron,applauding the Azov neo-nazis these 2 morons need a reality check.It's well known that the Ukranians were a big part of the Einsatzgruppen Division who murdered 33,000 Jewish men,women & children over 3 days at Babyar but nothing is said about this atrocitie.Cameron ,Johnson are just as bad as the War Criminals Blair & Brown who have never faced justice for War crimes,crimes against humanity at the Hague.Yet they want Netanyahu & the Hamas leader to be prosecuted for the same crimes,Hamas started this War attacking unharmed civilians,taking hostages,killing Israeli troops then being photographed posing with the severed heads .

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I think our problems with fascism in the UK stem from the fact we didn't hang the Nazi sympathisers who were related (distantly) to the Queen at the end of WW2. We need the laws of this country to apply to the establishment they way they apply them against us

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They're desparate that's why. The Russians are kicking arse, the West is in disarray, Boris can invite as many as he likes, it makes no dif.

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Boris couldn't let the Canadian Parliament and their SS Nazi outdo him.

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If we are not officially at war with Russia, we soon will be.

Tin hats and tinned food.


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I trust Putin more than I trust many nation leaders. 1. Biden

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Thanks, Helen.

Me too!

(Unfortunately, the like button doesn't work for me).

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I liked it for both of us.

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Good work! Thank you!

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Zarayna, don't be so pessimistic, the West knows what would happen if they attacked Russia openly, it would be game over for all of us and the West knows that. They can shout and scream and call names and get Ukraine to fire a few missiles but so what? As long as Putin and co, stay calm and keep on keeping on, I don't think the West can run the risk of being annihilated. Inviting some Nazis is just pointless PR.

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I might have to eat my words!

See: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-52424-situation-turns-critical

"Here’s where the ominous signs begin.

There are increasing signals that the covert plan from the globalist controllers is to get Ukraine to leave Russia with no choice but to escalate drastically and bring NATO in some form, whether limited or not, into the fight. Ex-British MP Andrew Bridgen stated that this is the real reason why Rishi Sunak has called an early election—he refuses to be a ‘war time president’. "

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Hang on, are you talking about Boris or Budgen?

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That might be true - but I wouldn’t take Brigdens word for it. He punches well above his weight and is prone to spout absolute , conspiratorial nonsense.

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Can you give me example please of his 'conspiracy' theory?

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Nothing specific but he always talks like he knows “shadowy” information that only he can verify - like in the clip - where he says he bumped into a Russian diplomat…

I’ll see if I can dig up something.

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Azov and many Ukrainians are Jewish and they LOVE to Larp as Nazis!

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In my opinion it’s happened in Britain and the US simply because both countries are, at heart, extremely intolerant of anyone who opposes them.

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Not surprised that such deranged, far-right insanity…. would extend an invitation to Azov

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I do NotSee any justification for this.

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Just why would not fascist governments of US and UK not fully support Nazi-dominated governments of Ukraine and Israel.

Support Russia”s fight again fascism — it fights for us all !!

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What about fascist junta in Chechnya though? Realpolitik?

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He looks off his face!

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So true!

(But, it wouldn't surprise me if he was being coerced).

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