Israel acted according to the Hannibal Directive and slaughtered its own people.

"Antisemitic propaganda!" - a year later confirmed to be true.

NATO destroyed a potential Russia-Ukraine peace deal in order to boost its military.

"Putinist propaganda!" - two years later confirmed to be true.

Israel knew full well about an imminent Hamas attack and chose to do nothing.

"Antisemitic disinformation!" - ????

The US destroyed the German-Russian joint owned Nord stream infrastructure, thus committing an act of war on its own ally and conspiring to increase energy prices in Europe.

"Putinist disinformation, it was Ukrainians on a sailboat!" - ????

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Lies and disinfo spread daily by most major U.S. media outlets.

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Gorbachev was promised by the Americans that NATO would not expand east. I think James Baker wanted the promise to be honoured but then along came Bill Fkn Clinton. The USA is not called the Great Satan for nothing.

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Sep 10Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I love how EVERY SINGLE "conspiracy theory" gets proven to be accurate in the last years.

Maybe even the great reset is already in the making by provoking WW3 with Rusdia 🤣

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I like the term “in the last years” ! It’s coming very close, right ? Perhaps there will be a new Dawn for the Palestinians against all odds ? Despite all the American WMDs and all other weapons from Europe and India ? Of all countries, freaking India too !

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Justice can be Slow, but Justice will be served !

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Nuland is a





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Nato/US and Russia have not been “squabbling over Ukraine.” The former have been using Ukraine as a threat to Russia. Russia tried repeatedly over about a decade to negotiate this peacefully and were repeatedly rebuffed. You provide reasons for why they were rebuffed; Nato/US wanted to provoke a war to weaken, and may dismantle, Russia. Russia read the signals correctly and acted to defend itself. Nobody likes war. But those who blame Russia for the invasion owed us an explanation of what Russia should have done to forestall what now looks to have been a well planned out attack on its national security. Until this happens this plage on both your houses line which lefties rush to when admitting that Nato/US provoked the attack is, frankly, very much like propaganda.

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What I love, aside from Nuland's smirk, is the hubris of the ASSUMPTION that somehow, America is always the adult in the room, somehow always the only *reasonable* one there to intervene and act in accordance to some weird international "order" which it and it alone is apparently in charge of enforcing. When will America stop taking sides in other countries' conflicts? Is it some bizarre addiction to drama, what with Washington being geographically so removed from other capitals, that drives it to do this? Also, it doesn't seem to occur to Washington that other countries are JUST as convinced they are in their rights to do what they do as Washington is convinced that they are not. And that there is, apparently, only ONE right path to take according to Washington. No nuance, no gray zones. Just absolute correctness on its part. Nauseating and terrifying.

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There was a gay in gray suit in Germany who told his people that they were destined to rule the world because they were genetically superior. We all know how it ended up. What is the Americans claim to ruling the world?

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Concise, yet, comprehensive analysis of the US and NATO provocative schemes towards expansionism. This is one of the reasons this government keeps the US taxpayers indefensibly uninformed. It allows support to the never-ending wars, lies used to instill a hatred towards countries victimized by NATO and the US. Propaganda driven by greed and power rely on the peoples ignorance for it to succeed. Lets keep independent journalism free from corporate control.

Now, if more Americans knew what the Wolfowitz Doctrine (also known as the Bush Doctrine) and its implications of USA’s policy with Russia, it would be a good start to understand why the US urged Ukraine to lure Russia into this war, this proxy war. A disgraceful stain on the U.S. and all its minions in NATO.

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And as a result, over a million people have died. But not Victoria, of course. Would be nice if we could make that happen for her.

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Karma is a bitch?

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An enemy of humanity.

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Vote for Kamala and get Nuland back. War is fun and profitable!

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Russian gas still flows through Ukraine to Europe however. They don't hate each other THAT much. There's other anomalies about this conflict which make me think that there's some agreements made in the shadows about the "rules." Lots of money to be made for all concerned with the added bonus of a lot of dead Slavs.

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Ukraine was offered NATO membership only publically. In private, they were told it’s never going to happen - and that’s according to Zelensky. https://odysee.com/@thisweekinfascism:3/Zelensky-Public-vs-Private-Nato-membership:4

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The Law of Nations has always allowed a sovereignty to quell any revolution that spills over into their land that's why it's referred to as a special operation. The USA D-r have kept Nazi-fascism alive any where it arises whether funded directly by the USA D-r occupied government or otherwise. Ukraine is a Nazi-fascist government that committed Genocide or attempts to against people that refuse to speak Ukrainian - do you support that in the USA ? Speak English or die ? That is the pretence for the Clintons military actions against a non aligned nation i.e., Yugoslavia and the USA does not border the USA. In all the USA D-r(s) are they're merely carrying on what they blame Hitler for failing at. Bush II admitted that in re Iraq he said Saddam Hussein was the same as Hitler - i.e., both were USA D-r proxies.

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Diplomat is a euphemism.

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Listen to her voice , it’s soft and kind sounding. It’s the voice she uses right before she puts the pillow over your face.

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