May 25Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I can't help but think of the Ukrainian people who voted for Zelensky as a president for peace. Having been lied to by NATO, lost so many people, being persuaded not to sign a peace agreement...isn't it time to do the sensible thing and negotiate a peaceful settlement?

A world war would be absolutely stupid, and that's what the west seems to be itching for. We can't afford it.

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May 25Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Sadly, tragically and almost unthinkably, I cannot but believe that all you say makes possibly the best analysis of the current situation and potential for an even worse and more wide-spread conflagration in the future.

Thank you for writing and sharing this for, although deeply disturbing, perhaps if more people are aware of a considered and objective appraisal, rather than just mainstream media propaganda and political hypocrisy, subterfuge, dissembling, opacity and deceit, we may yet avert catastrophe.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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Well written, these warmongers must be stopped.

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Thank you, of course I agree. However, I do despair as to if or how that will ever happen. A review of human history suggests not. It seems that though the majority may learn - they are rarely those that make the decisions. We, (humanity), seem not to have discovered a way to ensure that selfless, rational, compassionate and honest people are chosen to organise and govern our societies. Instead, it seems that competitive charisma, wealth, false promises or brute force still provide the way to control - a way that inevitably, with rare exception, produces self-aggrandisement, myopia and corruption to some degree.

Oh that I could offer a solution. I can offer strategies but, even those, I think would have little acceptance for we are all so constructed by our conditioning that what is the 'norm' appears to most of us as 'what is right' or, at least, 'to be expected'. Standing aside from that is taken by most to indicate an unwanted and untrusted difference often considered to be deviant and/or anti-social. Such is the strength of conditioning and its maintenance by statements from prominent individuals, influencers and the popular media.

I don't say that change for the better 'cannot' happen but can't feel other than that is unlikely.

My observation is that there is a right-wing ideological movement taking place across the World and that is an ideology that believes in elitism, might is right, only a minority is capable of decision making and those people not only 'know better' but 'are better." It is an abomination and far beyond what an average voter concerned about what they've been fed to believe is 'dangerous' and associated with radical, even 'terrorist' ideology, is actually seeking in a government and society - i.e. equity, equality and respect for all, 'even' those who are without.

Sadly, those people who are least knowledgeable, less educated, most vulnerable and lacking opportunity for access to influential public platforms, are often manipulated by the deception, promises, hypocrisy and what appear to be desirable attributes of 'success' being indicative of benefit for all, often choose to elect for precisely those individuals and organisations or political parties which 'do not' have their interests at heart. The millions of relatively 'ordinary' US citizens who support Trump are clear evidence of this, though there are many others.

So, how to change it? - I don't know. Frankly, I feel somewhat relieved - although guilty - that I am at the end of my life and won't have to witness what I expect. Even so, if I could, l would gladly swap any benefits or even my life if I thought it could actually make a significant difference to humanity and provide equity, freedom from poverty and disadvantage, and equity for all.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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May 25Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Scary situation, crazy crazy shit! The warmongers continue inexorably with their greedy madness, and it's hell to pay, as usual, for the rest of us.

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May 25Liked by Anti-imperialist News

We (NATO countries) are being led by the willfully blind, stumbling on their greed.

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Time for Biden to answer to the voters, if his war is unpopular, he should negotiate!!!!! Putin is ready.

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Western leaders, in their desperation to remain the leaders of the world, have essentially said that if they cannot lead the world, they will take the world down with them. In an age where all major powers have nuclear weapons, this is suicidal policy. Millions can be exterminated at the push of a button. I don't know about anyone else, but I like living and I would prefer peace.

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Very good, they are maniacs.

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Same here

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Can't we arrest and imprison these murderous warmongers? It's true about Israel going all in on genociding the Palestinians because they absolutely know that the whole world is going to war very soon. They have been told at the highest level and know that we will soon have a lot more to worry about than a few Palestinian stragglers. Why can't we arrest these elites and hang them? It's what they deserve.

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True, we should, but we need generals to do it.

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Yep. A real rational person.

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I went to the Reuters website and could not find any such story. At this point, the story seems bogus.

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I literally linked to the story. You could have have just clicked the link to save yourself the embarrassment. You could also have searched on Google and found the story is being reported by almost every newspaper.

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Our Emperial country loves War, not humans.

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So, Russia invaded Crimea over a decade ago, and peace was made.

Russia then invaded another lump of Ukraine two years ago and you want more peace to be made.

All that means is Russia will invade again in the future when it has rebuilt it's armed forces. All Putin is learning is that he can get whatever he wants.

That's not a good lesson for an imperial warmonger to learn.

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May 25·edited May 25

Hmmmmm...Reuters and unnamed sources "close to the Kremlin". I'll take this with a couple of pounds of salt. Interesting, though.

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the story's been picked up by almost every major newspaper, but you do you

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So? What newspapers report means nothing. Putin started this war and your propaganda will not change that.

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Putin didn't start this war, ya fool! Nato recklessly pushing up to Russian borders is what kicked this off. Do a bit of critical thinking or shut yer mouth.

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NATO did not force the former east block countries to join, they joined NATO because they knew Russia would always be a problem, which Putin proved quite well with his invasion of Ukraine! Finland and Sweden, long neutral, have followed. That Russia felt threatened is and has always been a b@llsh*t argument!

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Rational response? Shows me exactly what I thought. I would guess most people reading this post could easily see who is the fool.

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No, Putin just reacted to what Ukraine has been doing in service to the West.

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Bullshit. Are you Russian or just misguided?

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Then just give a valid and direct link, which you did not do. I'd be happy to believe it if I could see it. I was just clicking through the links you gave and that didn't work. Bad editing, at least.

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Oh, I agree that NATO is a bloodthirsty vampire; I just do not believe the $MSM any more, that's all.

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Yeah, Reuters partnered with TASS.

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I could not find the story on Reuters's platform. Can anyone?

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Alex Christoforou referred to this today. With reservations. I no longer believe the $MSM about anything; they are in charge of controlling the narrative.

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Perhaps I’m being cynical 🤨 but, the day that the US/Ukraine agrees to a negotiation with Russia (and stops supplying Ukraine) is the day that the US/Israel agrees to a negotiation with Palestine (and stops supplying Israel). Neither will occur. Unfortunately. I’m not an expert, though. 🧐

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Yes indeed WW3 or WW End of all is getting nearer and the side losing will inevitably resort o Nuclear Weapons which means. WW3 will be the worlds final war

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anyway it’s important to be known that faking the fake doesn’t mean finding out the truth. If Ukrainian, European, Russian, American, Israeli, Chinese or any other nationality, we are fucked up if we don’t stop selling diplomatic shit. Sorry for fucked-up, but those wars and conflicts have no other best related expression than this.

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Says the yanks want to kill us all to send a message

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“How many Ukrainians are you willing to kill to weaken Russia?”

Apparently at least 500K.

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