Internal or infernal pressure? I wonder how Israel hopes to be viewed by the world if/when this diabolical killing ends. They have revealed themselves, the Zionists, to be genocidal and sociopathic, and every day people are better informed and beginning to realise how they've been propagandised all these years. Tony Greenstein's book Zionism During the Holocaust shows how the Zionists made deals with the Nazis at the expense of "ordinary" Jews. But I fear western governments will continue do Israel's bidding and further weaken their grip unless they go full totalitarian.

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How Israel hope’s anything ? Only if it is going to be somewhere in the next …one or two …. months or years ?

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Zionism Terrorist Organization leader Benjamin "Amalek" Netanyahu has arrived in the heart of the Evil Empire for another working visit. The noted war criminal and general warmonger is scheduled to address the Disunited Nations General Assembly later today. It is expected that he will also confer with his cosiglieri, Anthony "I come to you . . . as a Jew" Blinken, and pay his respects to Empire frontman "Genocide Joe""I am a Zionist" Biden. Select ZTO lickspittles from all over the Empire are likely to come forth and genuflect before him and kiss his ring, to ensure reception of their stuffed envelopes, so vital now as Election Day nears.

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Israel is getting a dose of its own horror...

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& how the fuck is he still allowed to speak at the fucking UN & not be arrested immediately on an ICC warrant?!😒🙄😐😒🤬

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Coverage by big brother.

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As long as he has the Lobby in 🇺🇸 on side, Netanyahu can do as he desires.

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Bad karma is coming for Israel & Benjamin Netanyahu. People have had enough.

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Netanyahu’s government needs to fall. Their response to recent hostility has been disproportionate. He and his ilk need replacing with people capable of effective negotiation and Hamas and Hezbollah also need to cease to exist, also being replaced with decent people who crave peace and equitable rights.

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I wonder how Bibi will negotiate with God when he dies. Well, my Lord, I killed many to stay in power. Hmm. Report to the Prince of Darkness for processing.

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The pathology of these people, like Netanyobbo, is astonishing.

I am RELUCTANT to consider him, and others like him, as HUMAN.

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Actually Netanyahu is Providing Content to the American Elections hoping to have the Administration that will do it, without any prompting from the Busy Zionists Occupying the Enclaves in Palestine !

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That fuck has two options: blow his own fucking head off or go to prison for the rest of his miserable existence.

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ERADICATE this TERRORIST. ERADICATION is the ONLY “cure” for Genocide Criminals.

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no, he will not agree, his existence depends on a continues war

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Israel cannot survive becoming a pyrriah

“ . . . According to one estimate, some 500,000 settlers have returned to their homelands; most will not return. Since 7 October, conscription is no longer a safe yet inconvenient three-year requirement: parents are afraid for their daughters and sons. 

The dormant refusenik movement that emerged from the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon has re-awakened. Draftees are refusing to serve and being jailed as a result.

The conscription exemption for ultra-Orthodox Jews expired on 1 April; they are threatening to flee Israel, whose very survival is dependent on Jews moving there. 

If representatives of ultra-Orthodox Jews quit Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition, it could bring down his extremist government. . . “


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Here’s what’s gonna happen and it’s gonna happen in one of two ways One, Israel is going to be a state without nuclear weapons because it’s going to end up being a fucking hole in the sand without nuclear weapons or two it’s gonna be remade by civilization as a state without nuclear weapons.

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