Sep 13Liked by Anti-imperialist News

This demonstrates the level of concern the power brokers have for ordinary people. They're willing to put our lives at risk for the sake of their attempts at world domination. In other words, they don't care.

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Sep 13Liked by Anti-imperialist News

why not negotiate a peace deal.???

Let's sit down and talk and see where the red lines are drawn. Nothing to loose and preventing a potential nucear war is gained.

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This is the Question that has been on the table since well before February of 2022. Biden, Blinken, Kirby and Company DO NOT want to negotiate a peace. Boris Johnson delivered that message clearly to their puppet Zelensky in March 2022. This entire conflict is about making Russia subservient to the West and Mr. Putin is having NONE of this bull shit. In addition, There is too much money too be made by the US and NATO Military-Industrial Complex. The political kickbacks and bribes are legion. These "leaders" do not give a hoot in hell about the people who are dying and the millions more who would be killed, maimed, starved and reduced to living in near stone age conditions after such a nuclear event. These people are the precise definition of "psychopaths". I am an American, I love my Nation, but I abhor its government. Please don't hate me because my leaders are psychos.

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We Americans are interesting. We feel guilty for what our leaders do because we’ve been told that we have a democracy and we choose them. In a lot of other countries, the people don’t feel that.

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I think you are correct. Watch the Movie "JONES PLANTATION", this makes the process plain as day. We think because we "vote" for "R" or "D". that we have made a "choice". Donald Trump is right about one thing, and perhaps that was the best point of his debate performance. When he was asked if he supported a "Ukrainian Victory and a Russian defeat" , his answer was that "This war needs to end". I have to agree with Mr. Trump.

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Might be the only thing I agree with him on.

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Sep 13Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Starmer quickly proving he's a warmongering monster like Blair as well as a congenital liar.

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And a perfect match for the potential of Harris as POTUS.

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Sep 13Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I think the war profiteers are getting as much as they can out of Biden before he leaves office, in Ukraine, in Palestine, and everywhere they can. Kamala is certainly on board with the war agenda, but she might have limits. She at least still has a brain. This is a very dangerous moment.

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Kamala is a literal meat puppet. She does what she is told to do. She does not have a single independent thought in her so called "brain". In a way, this is even more frightening than having "Brain Dead Biden" in charge. It is abundantly clear that neither Biden or Harris are running the show in the USA.

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Totally true. I’m thinking though that Kamala and her controllers maybe have a sense of “bad press” - that nuclear annihilation might be unpopular. I don’t think Biden gets even that. Every move they make is going to kill people, however. I wish I knew how to stop them, all of them.

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They are not “hawks”. They are terrorists.

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NATO is engaged in aggression not defense.

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"US deliberately puts their vasall states' citizens in danger, because it doesn't matter if Europe or Russia falls, it's a win for America either way."

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Stormshadow’s are slow have a range of 180 miles worthless in this theatre of war.

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Interesting information. All the more reason for the evil machine to use British and French tax money to buy them and then get rid of them on Ukraine. More evidence that we, NATO, don’t care about Ukrainian victims of OUR war.

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During World War 2 both the Germans and the British thought that bombing the other's cities would lead the people to rise up against their government. In both cases the opposite happened and there was actually more unity. Almost as if giving a bunch of people a common enemy brings them closer together or something.

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I think what they're planning is the destruction of America. However they can do it, that's the ticket. They WANT death and destruction. When people can understand this, then we'll be able to make progress to STOP it.

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Oh, and AFTER the US goes down? Then the destruction of the rest of the "talking cows."

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Starmer is turning out to be a seriously deranged and dangerous man who simply doesn’t care about anything, except, presumably, himself. He’s a millionaire and if the UK is attacked he will be safe somewhere, the rest of us can, as far as he’s concerned, drop dead. He’s already attempting to kill off a large number of UK pensioners. No fuel help, no bus passes, no NHS after he’s gradually privatized it, and people are still supporting him.

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The salient feature of the western democracies today is the few against the many: a handful of old men like Biden Graham and Starmer condemning hundreds of thousands of young men to a useless death in a war already lost. And it’s not just the war. The same few against the many theme is repeated in the bank bailouts, the control of the media and much else besides. We are living a lie- or perhaps an illusion.

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Putin put the people of Europe at risk by invading Ukraine. It is clear who is the aggressor in this war. He will not stop at Ukraine, so cannot be allowed to win

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the majority in Europe also in the USA do not want a war with Russia

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Eyel's comment:

"The Russian response to Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk has been subdued because {Putin} has been able to tell Russians at home that even if he is not winning the war, he isn’t losing it."

Is both puerile and utterly disconnected.

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I would have to agree, in this particular instance, the British Tail is definitely wagging the US Dog.

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