When an empire can't even stage a good coup anymore, you know it's in decline.

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There is an old joke.

Q. How can you tell that the CIA wasn't involved in the Kennedy assassination?

A. He's dead, isn't he?

The historical record is not good, and the CIA has definitely gotten worse at regime change recently. In he past decade, they're 0-2 in South America. In Europe, sure, they did push out Yanukovic but that was very much a tail wagging the dog scenario. The first chance they got Ukranians elected a moderate - Zelensky - although he too acceded to the neo-Nazis in his own government rather than be assassinated. And look where that got him. And if there ever was a remote chance that Taiwan might decide to declare independence from China (again!), what's happening in Ukraine has surely convinced even the most fervent separatists that the US will surely NOT have their backs. And the other boogeymen - Iran and North Korea? Not. Happening.

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The CIA answers to No One. They have become highly adept at using Divide and Conquer... and they're trying to use it on AMERICANS. They have no allegiance to anyone but themselves. They should be the first to GO, right after the central govt. So saith the dog.

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... come the revolution!

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Jun 27Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Another sign of a cracking empire

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Sad days for the empire are good days for the people……

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I hope you’re right but as the Chinese poet said:

Empires rise,

People suffer.

Empires fall,

People suffer.

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Thwarted this time, [shakes chunky imperalist fist with thick gold rings] but I'll get you before you know it, free Latin America!

What are the odds that Ms Sheinbaum in Mexico will have an unfortunate accident one of these fine days?

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The jury is still out on her. She might turn out to be much more of a go-along-to-get-along president than AMLO.

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Maybe so, but simply existing as a socialist-adjacent political leader right next door to the US would usually mandate a terminal response from Sammy Deep State.

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Poor Mexico! So far from God and so close to the United States.

- President-for-Life Porfirio Díaz

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NOBODY should be "President for Life." Are you kidding?

And I wonder what you mean about Mexico being "so far from God"? Seems to me, if we follow the MAP, it's that bunch in DC that are "far from God."

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But don't forget, you get to be a President-for-Life by being assassinated in office!

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Sure, with 60 percent of the popular vote the jury seems that Claudia is a pushover…oh, the same jury that stated AMLO would turn Mexico into Venezuela…how well did it turn out???

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RIGHT?!?!? I've seen this movie several times: Her own people will discover her unworthiness! They will remove the Bad Influences, right after a big civil war!

How many times will we watch this movie?

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My first introduction to how America arranged coups and the downfall of democratically elected governments was Nicaragua (1978). And being young and naive I thought the American public must hate this kinda stuff.

Even now I wonder. how much does the average American know about how their government interferes in the running of other countries?

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It sounds right to me. The cookie jar lid got slammed on America’s fingers.

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Bout time! And I live here.

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The world is choosing sides ... and futures

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The Peeps are choosing LIFE.

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The nation that claims to champion "democracy" is firmly committed to Wall Street/corporate imperialism. We have supported fascist dictatorships for many decades, during which time we also engineered or staged plenty of coups: shameful!

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London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down... 🎵

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🎵 Praise God from whom all blessings flow 🎵

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US failed because it is a failed state. Failed in ethics, failed in democracy, failed by being world champion in torture and and failed by killing and suppressing other people. Killing at least 100 Millions since the beginning of the 20 th century, and kicking on.

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We demand better coups.

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The emperor is naked and is banging the hell out of anybody he doesn't like.

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Thank you for that 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣

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Ala Jared Kushner: “Are we still doing this?” 😢😭🥵😡🤬

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Ukraine has guite a stash of lithium or so I’ve heard. FTM…

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... to be mined by children and the Desperate, BY HAND if necessary! smfh

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For once I don’t think this had USA involvement cause it was so poorly thought out and organized that even the CIA can’t be that bad

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lol Don't bet on that. But, lol. ;)

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Oh I definitely won’t. It just seemed so ridiculous that even the CIA can’t be that silly

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Oh, I agree, hearin ya! Stinky buggers.

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