May 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I'd love to see Biden served with an arrest warrant.

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May 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I am frightened for my sons, all of military age, they don't want to think about the risks, too busy with their lives, but even though I would miss them so much, I wish they would leave the country for good and only come back if the UK changes significantly and that can only start with real democracy, PR and decentralsation. Not sure thats going to happen in my lifetime, or even by the time the climate crisis wipes most of us all out anyway!

Cheerful stuff.

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I'm frightened for my 22-year old grandson in the immediate future (conscription) and for all my grandchildren who, at best, will be living in a Mad Max movie. As they say, there is no Planet B. The only people getting something out of this are the arms and energy industries. So, the .01% who are insulated from all the shit us normals will have to deal with.

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The roaches are trying to escape the torrent of shit by them produced which is now about to drowned them, as they try to escape by climbing up a glass window which will soon anyway be submerged by that torrent which will ultimately wipe them off their stolen land.

European Nations have now recognized the Nation of Palestine turning the games of control used by the USA and its enterprise israel into a trap from which there is no escape.

Apartheid will be destroyed.

Palestine is now free and officially recognized Nation under attack, and its invaders will be dealt with.


Don’t waist your time with the trolls, they don’t deserve any attention.


Thx for sharing

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Things are definitely shifting. I think you're right. Outright genocide is NOT okay, and only the truly psychopathic feel or say otherwise. This might lead to Good Things. I am hopeful.

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I agree, awakening is slow but bit already started

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I think it's gathering speed rather quickly now. It'll be like a tidal wave...

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May 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

I no longer have words.

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The threats by Cotton and Cruz are unconscionable. However, the ReThuglican Right, which is incapable of coherent (verbal) argument, now routinely resorts to violence or the threat thereof.

<< Israel has killed over 500 civilians in West Bank since October 7th while all eyes are on Gaza. >> Thank you for reminding readers that the relentless campaign of Netayahu & Co. is by no means restricted to Gaza. I fear the prevailing mentality is that "the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian" -- a view blatantly paralleled in US history vis-a-vis the indigenous people whose land was getting stolen.

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America wants WWIII. It's good for profits. For the Empire! (I am 99% sure you've seen my article on that.)

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Yeah, but THOSE people don't FIGHT. WE can say NO.

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May 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Agonising news. WW3 on the way? An apocalypse? Get those warrants served sharpish.

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OR... A big change for the BETTER? Think positive, we can maybe get better with this as impetus. xo

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Only if the Israeli government follow the decision to halt the bombing and all the attacks I'm afraid. Positive thinking is good for individuals, a lot less so in war.

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Maybe not "ONLY" if...

Be open to the Creator's way. Don't be afraid, have faith in Love, it is stronger than the strongest Evil.

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Sorry, don't believe in a creator. I'm a humanist.

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Humans created themselves? I'm not talking about GODS.

Whatever, I don't try to explain everything, because I don't know.

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Clearly not.

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May 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

A fine piece of writing!

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I’ve long thought the Israeli population to be upstanding people despite their government being as wicked as our own US government. That is no longer. They are just not a good people. Wtf happened to them?

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Brainwashing. Fear. The passing down of trauma.

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God bless the ICC!

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Obviosly Nazi-Israel is pursuing its “Final Solution” with FULL participation of bipartisan US government !

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Your diatribe against Israel borders on insanity. to suggest that israel was responsible for the helicopter crash in Iran without a shred of evidence or logic behind it just shows how deranged you are and your hatred for the country.

Yes israel has overreacted at times but it’s entirely in response to their repeated efforts in past decades to reach an agreement with the Palestinians and each and every time starting in 1948 the Palestinians rejected an opportunity to make peace and have their own state in favor of war and suicide bombings Which turned even the most peace loving Israelis against the Palestinians

This was only confirmed on October 7 when the largest massacre of Jews since the holocaust occurred deliberately viciously with a level of barbarism too horrifying to even think of.

Why should anyone listen to your rants when they paint the picture of Palestinians as entirely innocent even as their actions for the past hundred years have demonstrated unwillingness to make peace with israel

Once again Jews are being demonized and everyone else is being made a candidate for Saint Hood

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I didn't say Israel was responsible for the crash. I put it forward as a possibility? Don't accuse me of a rant when you've come here with a rant!

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No not Jews, being Jewish is a religion, just as Catholics or Protestants or Muslims, Sikhs….to conflate being Jewish with the Israeli nationality is without basis. Zion and followers ( not all Jewish!) have done their utmost to conflate the two and turned all accusations of wrongdoing for past 75 years of Israeli state into anti semitism. When most Israelis are not semites at all! But all Palestinians are Semites.

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by wiping out Gaza, murdering thousands, maiming and torturing thousands more, bombing refugee camps, blowing up every hospital and university, deliberately murdering journalists, doctors, academics, health care workers and aid workers, by starving 2 million people???

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What a load of deluded nonsense, Herb! Wash your thinking apparatus out with soapy-water.

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Jews are not being demonised. The actions of the Israeli government, IOF and their Zionist supporters are being criticised, which is very different. However, it seems to suit the Zionist narrative to conflate Zionism, Israel & Judaism and accuse all critics of Zionism of antisemitism - presumably so you can take the moral high ground, or at least pretend to. So far, so familiar. But strange, given your description of the piece in question that it is a 'diatribe' that 'borders on insanity' that the single point you question is passing the mention of the helicopter crash. All the rest is just the same old mixture of spurious 'facts' and specious 'reasoning'. Go back to the beginning: 76 years ago Zionists stole the land, created a system of apartheid and murdered many thousands of Palestinians. This has continued to the day. Hardly surprisingly, the Palestinians have continued to object and have done what many of us would do to get their homes back. The Israel government helped set up Hamas in opposition to the PLO. That blew up in their faces. Hubris. Now Israel plays the victim. And, as Anti-imperialist news points out, Israel's pretence of going after Hamas is shown to be a pretence by their actions in the West Bank.

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Memories memories memories

Listen to this from 60’s during Viet Nam war.


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It IS how most "world wars" begin and then later we study how they were too far along the way to halt - mobilisation was already underway - this entente or that treaty had been invoked and again our "leaders" fail the ordinary people and of course all the civilians!

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Refugee camps concentrate the people you want to kill into one area to make it easier.

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It could just be that the Evil Ones are still trying to frighten, depress, confuse, upset... us. "TPTSB" are really quite evil. They thrive on despair, fear, hatred, war...


It may well be that we are going to start getting BETTER, very soon, even... We don't KNOW. So let's make it work out. We have to think right to make the world right. So... Hope. Faith. LOVE. Peaceful and optimistic approach. WE ARE THE WORLD, not those Nasties, those Globalistas. Fuck 'em. ;) People are standing up to thugs like Bibi. Let's all do that!

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