Civilised world? What civilised world?

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Time to remove Netanyahu for good

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I agree, yet who is likely to replace him ? Certainly not anyone with the slightest sympathy for the Palestinians. In the US the choice between Trump and Harris is a vote for Israel. In the UK, Starmer the PM and Jennrick the possible opposition leader (who was photographed wearing a "Hamas are Terrorists" sweatshirt are also 100% supportive of Israel. Ultimately the only way to bring this to an end is for Israel to fall, are we at that time yet ?

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America showed the world how it can stop a country bombing other countries - and it ended the second world war. The US can end a war as quickly as it can start one - a super power that I hope will turn to dust.

The damage it’s caused the world is irreparable, and I only thought about that after Oct 7th.

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America most certainly did not end the second world war. They waited a few years, made a fortune from loans to buy weapons and their life was made easier by the Germans decision to move troops to the East to help against Russia. As for Asia. Japanese troops were still fighting in China with zero help from the US. Instead, the US saved all the scientists that worked for Unit 731 and shipped then back to the US. In the now South Korea, they installed a leader that was subservient to them and put several senior Japanese in major positions of authority. The US (Israel aside) have never helped anyone unless there was something to be made. If not, then they can all suffer.

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Totally agree ✌️

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How? Do you think the UN will send in a posse?

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Well, everyone chiming in here all know that that statement is just a wish that we all know will never come true. But we all have something to say about it, don't we? As far as I can see into the future, I think that none of this is going to go well ... for the entire world, let alone, Isn'tReal.

The really disgusting thing is seeing our own governments colluding with the insanity that is Isn'tReal. Governments around the world are behaving in the most insane ways possible. There's a paradigm shift happening, and, in the end (whenever that is), is going to happen long after we're all dead.

But, you're right. The UN (which is spineless, and therefore, useless) isn't going to do anything.

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One of the main reasons for what Netanyahu is doing, is that there are rich oil & gas seams under Gaza! Sickeningly the West is looking to get drilling contracts......and Israelis want to rake in ever more funds....It really is time Netanyahu was removed for good!

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And Jared Kushner’s been promised a waterfront villa!

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Nothing would surprise me, the way the West are turning a blind eye to genocide, and arming a psychopath, sure they all have eyes on the 'prize' pure blood money........

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Whilst I 100% agree with your post, I do believe Gaza is also being used as a distraction from what is happening in the West Bank. Ben Gvir is now a de-facto leader of the settlers. Then it gets even worse, he has authorised and armed approx' 10k of the settler's with guns. The West Bank has lost much of the media attention (understandably) recently. Yet in my opinion, this is now part of the final push to rid Gaza and the West Bank of ALL Palestinians allowing only those who will serve the Zionists the right to conditionally stay.

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I think you are right .🥲

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I would prefer to be wrong !

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So would I . I feel like I’m in a nightmare that’s never ending.

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@Freddy Come to think of it wasn’t that what the Europeans did to the original inhabitants of North America?

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And to Australia, Canada, new Zealand and all of Central and South America !

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Yes of course-I was focusing on North America though as they are the main facilitators of this genocide, are nuclear armed and have nuclear armed their ally. Worse than ironic :-(

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There has never been a time in history when a whole nuclear armed country has gone FULL GENOCIDAL and its nuclear amed allies support it (one of whom has used them against civilians)

HUMANITY is in extreme danger.

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And another who conducted multiple nuclear bomb tests on Australian soil without any reference to Australian citizens. (research UK nuclear tests, Marlinga, Monte Bello Island)

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Where are all the displaced Palestinians expected to go - if they are not already dead?

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That is not Israel’s problem.

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It IS Israels problem - technically the Palestinians are Israeli citizens!

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I do not disagree with any of your replies or comments. Facts are that Israel (as the situation currently stands) will never face international sanctions or ICC proceedings. ICC proceedings especially are reserved for those the US does not approve of. I know you will say something like “but this is international law” , except that it isn’t. The US and Russia have not signed up to the ICC, so in turn the ICC does not exist for these nations. Though that does not stop either of them calling out alleged “war crimes”. The reason I put “alleged” is they are not proven. For the likes of Israel and the US that means they are not guilty of anything, ever. A bully only lasts as long as his / her followers support them.

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Every word you have written is true . If USA, UK, etc don’t stop sending weapons to the Israelis, then there is not going to be a Palestine and her people if any are left alive will have to leave .

This has always been Netanyahu’s plan. Oct 7th brought it about bit sooner , but it gave him the excuse to exterminate the Palestinian people and the total destruction of the infra structure.

I don’t hold out much hope for USA,UK etc to intervene because they are all sniffing about for the spoils on the demise of Palestine.

We can only hope that the allies of Palestine can change this .

It doesn’t seem possible that Countries can decide they want what others have and are free to decimate everything and nobody stops it .

For this to come so far means that others have enabled the Israelis to commit genocide and I am still struggling to believe this has happened..

This is just the beginning, if they get away with this they will move throughout the Middle East .

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I agree with 99% of your post. Where I disagree is about it being Netanyahu's plan. The plan for a greater Israel has been the Zionists dream for well over 100 years. Nothing apart from the obvious will deter them from this. Even during WW2 and the Holocaust, Zionists were busy with their goal. Many of the Zionists attitude towards the Jews left in Europe at this time ranged from ambivilant to their lives are less important than our goal. Fast forward to the present and what do we see ? We see the Hannibal Directive in full blazing glory during 07/10. Some things never change.

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Netanyahu enables the Zionist Plan.

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The plan was made before Netanyahu was even born. It is extremely naive to consider for a single moment the plan involving the creation of “Greater Israel” will stop or even slow down if he leaves office. The plan has been rolling along since the first nakba in 1948 and now it is speeding up. For the Zionists, they see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to accelerate their plan to warp speed levels. They already have limitless weapons availability courtesy of the US. They also have US and the UK amongst others prepared to assist if they are attacked. They will not stop now unless someone actually stops them.

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Unless Kamala Harris reverses course and suspends arms shipments to Israel used in genocide, Trump will win the election because critical Muslim, Arab and progressive voters in key swing states will not vote for genocide party A. They will not vote for genocidal party B (Republicans) now run by the megalomaniac Trump who is willing to burn the world for his ego and to prevent the Mossad from releasing damaging tapes they have on him (Epstein/Maxwell produced). Posted at https://popular-resistance.blogspot.com/2024/09/end-of-empire.html

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If Kamala Harris does a U turn on her current position regarding Israel, she will not be elected. AIPAC will ensure that will happen. There is not a corner or any nook or cranny in any political or corporate entity that a Zionist or AIPAC associate has embedded itself. Here in the UK the situation is identical.

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Please read link I posted.

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The difference between the 1960's and the present day is, back then the only news we got was from the MSM and they got any conflict information from the military which is why many of us were ignorant back then. Today, you can if you wish see live cam footage from Gaza, the West Bank, leba6and Ukraine. Secrets are becoming more difficult to hide and people are far more aware when the word propaganda is used. Why are we being denied access to the 'propaganda' ? Who has designated it propaganda? Any more questions but all coins have 2 sides, check both before is my advice.

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OK, let's say, for instance, that Isn'tReal does figure out a way to push Palestinians out of their land entirely (even though Isn'tReali ZioNazis don't allow Palestinians to go anywhere, anyway, not even out of their own land, they're certainly not allowed to travel outside of the Gaza Strip), so, if Palestinians were to be completely, one-hundred percent pushed out of Palestine, they would be forced to spread in a diaspora across the entire world, to countries willing to take them. And, since we know that Isn'tReal doesn't want that to happen either, because they know that what they'd be doing is creating freedom for Palestinian refugees to grow in number, and plan to take back the land that legitimately belongs to them. Isn'tReal and the ZioNazis who have taken over Palestine can't have that, and THAT is the reason why psychopaths such as NuttyYahoo want to murder every Palestinian in existence. And ZioNazis want you to believe that it's "anti-semitic???" to speak out with compassion and empathy for the defense of innocent human beings.

We all know by now that Isn'tReal should never have been allowed to come into existence. We know this now. We've known this since 1948. Real Jews, real Muslims, and real Christians were all living peacefully together, before the psychopathic, sociopathic ZioNazis showed up. ZioNazis are fundaMENTALists. They aren't real Jewish people. They're fanatics, just like there are "Christian?" fanatics, Muslim fanatics, Hindu fanatics, and any number of any other religion where we see fanatics rear their ugly heads.

I've been boycotting Isn'tReal for more than 30 years, and I will continue to do so until the day that I leave this plane of existence.

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The "United nations" is e fraud and always has been.

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When everything is tallied up about the reasons and excuses for decimating the Palestinians and many other Countries, it actually just comes down to greed .

Just a little word , but it’s the only explanation there is . Why are US, UK, Canada, France,Germany enabling the genocide , it’s not for some honourable reason it’s for the oil , gas and the fertile land. I can’t get my head around this . 🇵🇸🇱🇧🇮🇷🇾🇪

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The United States of Israel supports genocide and terrorism just look at our budget...our congress and house are being held hostage by blackmail and greed...I wouldn't expect much form corrupt America...We Americans collectively have become the dealers of death...

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Yes. Yes. We’re holding the entire world hostage - I believe every country outside of Western Europe that has a military would like to send it in now to end this and only hesitates because of fear of the US.

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They "covided" and "vaccinated" in every country! In other words, they committed genocide! Which country's leader is the one who writes "his own people", but would go to war for the Palestinians?!

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Amen to those words!

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Americans can do about as much about it as the rest of the world! We Hungarians have a slogan whose truth is undeniable. He says: "As many weapons as you have, so much is your country and your bread"! All weapons are in the hands of usurpers, so no one will do anything about the genocides! Look at the “covid epidemic” in which hundreds of millions of people died and got sick worldwide because of “vaccines”! And they are still in power and still in denial! The fight is against the people, the peoples!

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Yes the UN must do more. The UN must show a little muscle in ending this genocide.

And yes the US shoud be protecting the Palestinian people from the genocide perpetrated by Isreal. Isreal is the enemy we should be fighting not the Palestianian dyspora.

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The UN is also a Jewish organization created to be the head of the world government!

It is not by chance that they do nothing against Israel!

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But Jews or philosemites are in power everywhere! It is clear that they will never take a single step, neither for the Palestinians nor for any other people whom the Jews want to write off! And now it's happening according to Albert Pike's plan. And in the "god" of the Jew!

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Sadly I’ve came to realise that this is true . I keep on looking around for someone to stop this madness , but to no avail. The People and Countries who are helping are on the US /Israeli hit list as well . It’s just horrendous

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Yes! Unfortunately!

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So nice to see a person familiar with Albert Pike.

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Please don’t implicate us all in antisemitism by using careless generalizations. Israel has always been a problem. Zionists are and have been the problem. Certain powerful Jewish capitalists have been a problem. But being Jewish does not make anyone bad; this is the same mentality that has Israel claiming that all Palestinians are terrorists and they have a right to murder them. Many thousands of Jews are leading the struggle to free Palestine and always have. Bigotry gets us nowhere.

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There was no generalization in this, I simply stated 1 fact! All countries are led by Jews or philosemites, who are usually dual citizens and committed to Israel and Judaism. Because of this, there will be no unity among the peoples of the world to prevent genocide! By this I did not say that all Jewish people are evil, but that the Jewish money power put its own people in power.

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A people whose own history dipicts them as liers, thieves and cold blooded murderers, may not be evil in some people's eyes.

But it certainly make them to be undesirable neighbors.

And it make them impossible to be friends with.

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We have no problem with some Jewish individuals who do not live according to Jewish "values"! But we Central and Eastern Europeans here have quite different historical experiences with them than perhaps the Americans. But the point is that there in Israel the military or the settlers carry out the genocidal orders with great pleasure!

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We truly are dealing with a psychotic state called Israel:

Lebanon received over 80,000 suspected calls from "Israel" urging residents to evacuate their areas, Imad Kreidieh, the head of state telecom company Ogero, told Reuters in an interview on Monday.

He described these calls as "psychological warfare to make havoc and chaos."

People in Beirut have been reportedly receiving text messages asking them to evacuate quickly, as reported by Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA).

Minister of Information Ziad Makary received a voicemail urging the evacuation of his building. Experts noted that these Israeli warnings are a classic example of psychological warfare, echoing tactics seen in Gaza, as they are now being applied in Lebanon. - Al Mayadeen, 23/9/24

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I agree, military intervention is unavoidable as the damage is so monstrous and help needed to rescue and protect the population across Palestine, Lebanon and the entire Middle East can never be enough.

Here one more


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Israel should've been invaded by an international force long ago. It's a present day Nazi Getmany. It needs to be dismantled & Palestinians need to be liberated

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Blinking Biden ? He is testing his strength in Ukraine and waiting for the results !

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Israeli army taking advantage of Lebanon situation to continue genocide in Gaza


It looks like Zionists are in a self destructive mission !

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So, Kamala will keep repeating her Kitchen talk until the election in November ?

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