Whatever it takes to end these brutal and expensive wars!

11 billion to house every homeless person in the US but "We can't afford it."

We give BILLIONS to Israel and they have tax paid health care and education.

Meanwhile, it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and 4 US presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

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Replace the Taliban by the Taliban ... but who created the "Taliban" ?.

"Between 1979 and 1989, the CIA channelled more than $2 billion in weapons, logistical support and training to the mujahideen. Operation Cyclone was the brainchild of President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski."

"How were the Taliban formed? The group was formed in the early 1990s by Afghan mujahideen, or Islamic guerrilla fighters, who had resisted the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (1979–89) with the covert backing of the CIA and its Pakistani counterpart, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI).19 Jan 2023

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Guess we should have been supporting the Soviet invaders, then?

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Can I assume by your comment that you also support the Russian invaders (or support at least not getting in their way)?

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Grow up.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

If only we could monetise peace.

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Like it :)

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Exactly! There’s no money to be made with being diplomatic and peaceful. And so the war machine goes on.

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Our hunter gatherer ancestors could not have imagined an economy that eats everything and threatens to destroy life itself - its insane!

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I'd love to see the end of the military industrial complex -- preferable to WWIII.

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That would cause WWII. No major international ruling regime has ever fallen without it triggering massive and widespread warfare in the power vacuum.

Wishing for the end of American power is cheering for a world war.

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It's a better alternative to doing nothing and getting ww3 anyway.

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Excellent piece. The NYT should beg your permission to reprint it just after they condemn Israel for genocide and call on President Blinken/Sullivan to end the Ukraine War. When the dollar is no longer the world currency, the U.S. financial system will utterly collapse as the economy is propped up by debt. Inflation will be out of control. Both the Ukraine War and Blinken/Sullivan's genocide in Gaza have exposed the myth that our mighty military machine is invincible. We no longer have the industrial capacity to manufacture replacement munitions on a rapid scale in a large regional war in the Middle East, against Russia or China. The outrageously expensive missiles we build are labor intensive and cannot be reproduced quickly. Just look how quickly Israel and Ukraine burns through our missiles. Our stockpiles are low. Russia easily jams our missile gudiance systems and AWACS. Our vaunted aircraft carriers that once frightened leaders are obsolete as are the fighter jets. The Houthis forced the aircraft carrier Eisenhower to limp away from their waters after they attacked it with guided missiles. If you want to understand the serious deficiencies of our military watch the video interview of retired Col. Douglas MacGregor. Against formidable enemies all we have to defeat them is nuclear bombs. And our country would not hesitate to end all life as the empire goes through its death throws.


You can also listen to any interview with retired Col. Larry Wilkerson; retired CIA analysts Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson; Former soviet weapons inspector Scott Ritter.

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Two influential figures I closely follow, another person of great insight & moral fortitude is. Colonel Black. Who is particularly commendable for his criticism of the US military presence in Syria, which is undeniably illegal. He also passionately opposes the unjust Western US led sanctions imposed on this small nation, where essential medical supplies are restricted especially for women with breast cancer. The CIA-engineered Arab Spring was a calculated move to destabilize Syria due to its opposition to the Qatari pipeline transversing its territory, which was spicifically intended to threaten the Russian European gas market. Assad's loyalty to his Russian allies ultimately led to their joint victory against the US-backed ISIS in a proxy war. Despite acknowledging the potential repercussions on my home country, the UK, I eagerly anticipate the collapse of the petrodollar system. Time the US stopped its endless wars in desperation to be the worlds hegemony, a multipolar world is being born & Putin is leading the way, the end of the corrupt rules based international order created for the US and vassals.

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Thanks- I will look him up. For our aggression against Syria I have relied on the Grayzone. They've done extensive reporting on our theft of oil and wheat and how we use ISIS-k for our proxy.

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Here he is on you tube “The Truth about the Syrian Crisis.”


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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Yep I was horrified when Biden went on TV and said we were shipping all of our stockpile to Ukraine (or maybe it was Isreal, who can afford national healthcare but they need our stuff?) & it was fine because we will make more. Are we making more? We’ve had medication shortages since covid came, we aren’t making more of that. We can just whip up a new batch of stockpiled weapons? Are we? Because he went on TV and told everyone we were shipping ours off.

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Jun 22Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Congrats! You tell it like it is.

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The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself says the Buddhist. Biologist say species survive by adaptation to change. Malthus says without changes in exponential population growth rate and economic models humanity is doomed to suffer the consequences of increasing diseases, famine and warfare.

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There's the petrodollar way of looking at our foreign policy with the Saudis but also maintainance of stability in the Middle East area as a way the USA does policy with the Saudis. If the Saudis look at stabilty as wealth and wealth is shifting toward China than being the pragmatic wealth seekers the Saudis be would have them hedge their bets on the importance/dominance of the dollar. Its probably their fear of our military strength that has kept them in line with the USA. But China has both: military strength and growing economic dominance. The USA needs to accept the multipolarty over unipolarity meme evolving or face the consequences of being a lone wolf among st a pack of wolfs. The pack will devour the lone wolf. So we join the pack or die or not join the pack and press the nuclear button and bring us and the pack down in a suicide mission. I want to join the pack and live in an evolving multilateral world where no one country dominates. We are all in this together.

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It appears that the Eagle has driven the Dragon and the Bear together, contrary to earlier advice.

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Maybe "US suddenly becomes very concerned about..." But it is too late to avoid its defeat. Too many fronts, including the internal one that will explode at some point. The mask of the empire has fallen, its supposed "beacon of values" has been resoundingly and definitively discredited in Gaza. Everything seems to indicate that the empire only has two options left: admit its defeat or nuclear suicide, but if any country has a chance of surviving a nuclear war, it is Russia. Houston, we have a problem and it doesn't seem like Washington's current gangsters are capable of solving it. God help us!

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The earth will be red by the death of imperialists, usurpers and zionists. We will make sure for that.

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Jun 24Liked by Anti-imperialist News

Get em get em get em!!!!! Great writing here!

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So are you saying that the alternative to US imperialism is WWIII? Or is WWIII inevitable anyway? What is your take? What are the options on the table? And we didnt even talk about AI ...

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

I think the imperialists are strongly considering starting more wars that could lead to World War III, whether that happens is anyone's guess, but I suspect the odds are at least 50%. I would obviously be massively relieved to be wrong.

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I agree. Making homelessness illegal and making selective service automatic are a good way to staff up for it.

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The scary thing is, who's in charge? Do they really care if Biden gets to finish the Genocide or Trump. Do the puppet masters have a plan other than Confrontation? Why isn't anyone capable of diplomacy/talking in this country or even the other Westerns. I don't get it, why isn't the powerless Congress trying to do anything other than making dollars off death?


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As Thomas Massie told us, every single one has an AIPAC babysitter. The lobby that represents a genocidal foreign entity is the puppet master in DC.

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What’s horrifying is to think that almost no one I know in my family could actually handle the truth of this article

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It seems abundantly clear that The Empire doesn't even have the strongest military any longer... far from it. Especially now that Russia showed the World that the bully has a glass jaw.

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The good news continues with over 80% if Sino Russian trade now being carried out currency swaps and more countries also going down this road. Of course this does, and will, result in currency imbalances but these can be resolved over time through organisations like BRICS. Reportedly Turkey is considering applying to join BRICS, if successful then this would be a major blow to America and NATO. Weaponising the dollar was a grossly misguided policy, as shown by the lack of support for NATO, G7 and G20 sanctions policies in the rest of the world.

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When Gadafi started his plan to base the Libyan currency on gold, the gold dinar, the US acted with fury, with an operation led by Canada, and now Libya still has a civil war with different NATO members cynically supporting the opposing sides.

It caused the catastrophe in the Sahel and the flooding of Europe with refugees crossing the Mediterranean.

Just a continuation of the wars the US war machine requires.

This time they seem to be losing control....... .

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The Transatlantic Imperialist Private Investment Bankers Empire versus any nation that refuses to use its magic wand computer entry currency as their currency delivered as compounding interest bearing loans.

So they can cook the books on you and enslave you via debt.

I agree that needs to change and we have nothing to lose in changing it because they were going to monopolise the world if left to it.

The only thing will then be if those that bring about its downfall simply want to pick up where the others left off or truly want a fairer more peaceful world?

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